Madame Xanadu

Madame Xanadu
Dex:   3   Str:   2   Body:    2
Int:  10   Will: 10   Mind:    8
Infl:  9   Aura: 13   Spirit:  8
Initiative: 22  Hero Points:  40

Occultist: 13

Advantages: Connections: Earth's Mystical Community (High), The Spectre (High); Scholar (Occult Artifacts); Miscellaneous: due to the effects of a magic ritual, Madame Xanadu ages at 1/10 the normal rate.

Alter Ego: Unknown
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Spiritual Advisor
Wealth: 6

Tarot Cards [Body: 1] Used in rituals (see below)

13 AP ABCD Omni-Artifact

Predict Future (Precognition: 17)
Casting Time: 8
Components: Tarot Cards (Cost, 1 AP)
Restrictions: None

Sense Emotion (Empathy: 10)
Casting Time: 8
Components: Tarot Cards (Cost, 1 AP)
Restrictions: None

Detect Cosmic Calamity (Awareness: 10)
Casting Time: 8
Components: Tarot Cards (Cost, 1 AP)
Restrictions: None

Answer Question (Int: 15, Will: 15)
Casting Time: 8
Components: Tarot Cards (Cost, 1 AP)
Restrictions: None

Levitation (Telekinesis: 2)
Casting Time: 0
Components: None
Restrictions: None

Source: Who's Who 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background/Roster Book, pages 92-93

Ed's Notes: The 2nd Ed. BG/R Book gives her 2 Omni-Artifacts, and give stats to her Tarot Cards, rather than detailing these in rituals, under her Occultist skill:

Tarot Cards [Body: 1, Int:15, Will: 15, Awareness: 10, Empathy: 10, Precognition: 12] Limitations: User must have at least 8 AP's of Occultist to call upon the card's abilities.

First Appearance: Doorway to Nightmare #1 (February, 1978)


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