Vic Sommers

Vic Sommers
Dex:   5   Str:   4   Body:    4
Int:   5   Will:  6   Mind:    5
Infl:  4   Aura:  4   Spirit:  5
Initiative: 16  Hero Points:  30

Martial Artist: 5
Military Science: 5
Vehicles: 4
Weaponry: 5

Advantages: Connections: Secret Six (High), U.S. Military (Low)

Drawbacks: Serious Physical Restriction: Blind

Alter Ego: None
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Government Agent
Wealth: 5

CYBERNETIC GOGGLES [Body: 3, Microscopic Vision: 3, Telescopic Vision: 3, Ultra Vision:  5] Goggles allow him to see normally, despite his blindness.

Submachine Gun [Body: 4, AV: 5, EV: 5, Ammo: 5, Range: 5, R#: 3]

Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition

Ed's Notes: The Who's Who neglected to give (all of) the(ir) machine gun(s) a body score. So I used the 3rd Edition Rulebook's entry to grant a Body: 4.  The version of the team represented in the 3rd Edition is a bit of an odd one: all are disabled in some way. But rather than do the "turn the disability into an advantage" trope, DC went with "cyborg improvements." Not sure if that counts as decent inclusion or not. *shrug*

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